Friday, December 28



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--爱一个人就像分享一瓶酒, 恨一个人就像打破一瓶酒。倒酒给他喝是轻而易举的;但要打破那瓶酒可能连自己也会不小心割伤。--

Tuesday, December 25


灰姑娘今天破戒了! 我们历尽艰辛, 熬尽2粒钟才找到落脚地。。。呵呵~很期待。。。很兴奋. 她说前方会有烟花表演,我岂有错过的理由!!

频频向前迈进的路途显得比平常还要遥远, 因挤满了人潮,寸步难行啊! 时间还没到12点,天桥上的人已开始宣战--动用他们的武器,发射出浓浓密密的雪花...光用看的确很唯美

只是被那所谓的雪花占到时却是极端的相反, 黏身又难闻的气味蔓延整条街. 我们忙得不行,得逃避敌人的追击,还要经过人潮向目标前进

在这同时,一男一女对我说了一句Merry christmas~!!!陆续的雪花就缠上我了, 我不停的狂叫, 他们不停地攻击, 直到我被雪花掩埋得看不见, 听不到。。。心想我得罪谁啊?!害我成为全场焦点, 连pk ,pm也吓到呆掉了hahaha...他们也莫名其妙,但求自保只能躲在一角, 看我受难.

定睛一看, 原来是爱利他们! 太过份啦! 串通欺负我!! 不还击是人吗!!!@_@" 没想过会看到你们...虽被攻击, 不过也挺过瘾的~ ^_^hehe

第一次庆祝圣诞节, 第一次超出灰姑娘12点前该回家的时辰. 我破戒了.他们带了几部相机却无用武之地, 没关系--我已用眼睛, 拍下一切,不会忘怀...=)

Monday, December 24

11 years-stil remain same

hui ling
it's a lovely emo from you, thank you!

11 years!
we didnt meet each other for 11 years after graduate.
it still remain same in my hand
like that day you gave it to me when we playing ping pong in the hall
oh, i miss those
no intention at all

so sudden
so significant for me...
because we are so unintimate to each other

Saturday, December 22

Happy winter day~!

Happy winter day... dong zhi^^
haha, ah wei!
i'm not fan shu anymore!!!

Wednesday, December 12

Merry christmas~!

Merry Christmas to everyone
may all your wish come true~~*

Thursday, December 6

korea house

first of all, thanks to brandon... if not i wont be able to try this^^what is this...hehe...korea house~!yea, all this time i tend to try out the food that unique ..special...those i never try b4~unique is due to it's something from foreign country, secondly the environment.emm, this korea house not bad la...and we absolutely have fun !by the way, yesterday was huey ming birthday, i was last minute to know that we celebrate her big day as well...the food is great, before starting tsuey fen and thean eu already cant stand and order a bowl of soup with rice&mee...haha, honestly i also nearly faint in the car, not to said that blame ah kiat for everything, the problem is he is the only one know where we stay and where we go...emm, but still next time better got a plan first, i dont want everytime decide at the last minute. ok , back to the food, now thinking back feeling tells me that all those ''stuff'' in small plate should add in and cook together ...hehe, whatever, at the end- who cares.

Saturday, December 1

is that you?

ah ooi...
i think yesterday i saw you at mamak there.
but my mom said he wasnt you
ooi, is that you?
u guys long time didnt contact me
nor email, or msn
suddenly miss u guys
hope u all doing fine...
